The Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) established a consortium with five historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) to enhance their university museums and archives. This will enable the institutions to preserve and promote the history and culture of HBCUs, which have played a significant role in the education and advancement of African Americans and their essential role in American culture and history. The consortium includes Clark Atlanta University, Florida A&M University, Jackson State University, Texas Southern University, and Tuskegee University. This partnership will provide these HBCUs access to the Smithsonian’s expertise, resources, and collections, helping them enhance their collections and programs. It will also create opportunities for collaboration and exchange among the institutions involved.
The Smithsonian Institution has a long history of working with HBCUs, and this latest initiative builds on that legacy. By partnering with these institutions, the Smithsonian can help to strengthen the capacity of university museums and archives and ensure that the stories of African American history and culture are preserved for future generations. Overall, this positive development highlights the importance of preserving and promoting the history and culture of HBCUs. It is also a reminder of institutions like the Smithsonian can play a valuable role in supporting education, research, and cultural heritage.