Slaughtered hog hangs from a wooden rafter, date unknown. Photograph by P.H. Polk. Photograph courtesy of Tuskegee University Archives, P.H. Polk Family Collection.
Students gather around a wooden stove, date unknown. Photograph by P.H. Polk. Courtesy of Tuskegee University Archives, P.H. Polk Family Collection.
Three men plowing, date unknown. Photograph by P.H. Polk. Courtesy of Tuskegee University Archives, P.H. Polk Family Collection.
Rural school setting, Macon County, AL, circa 1920s. Photograph by P.H. Polk. Photograph courtesy of Tuskegee University Archives, P.H. Polk Collection.
Snake hunting, date unknown. Photograph by P.H. Polk. Photograph courtesy of Tuskegee University Archives, P.H. Polk Family Collection.
Photograph of farmers, date unknown, Macon County, AL. Photograph by P.H. Polk. Photograph courtesy of Tuskegee University Archives, P.H. Polk Family Collection.
People gather in front of a farm house on a Sunday afternoon, Macon County, AL, circa 1930–1940. Photograph by P.H. Polk. Photograph courtesy of Tuskegee University Archives, P.H. Polk Family Collection.
Two people sit in front of a loom, Macon County, Alabama, circa 1930–1940. Photograph by P.H. Polk. Photograph courtesy of Tuskegee University Archives, P.H. Polk Family Collection.
Couple sits in front of log cabin, Macon County, AL, circa 1930–1940. Photograph by P.H. Polk. Photograph courtesy of Tuskegee University Archives, P.H. Polk Family Collection.